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Information about cookies

What are Cookies? 
Cookies are small text files which are stored on your computer or device, by web sites or visited applications. They are widely used to allow the functioning of web sites and applications, or to imrpove their functioning, or to provide information to web site or application owner.

How and why we use Cookies? 
We use cookies to improve the use and functionality of our websitte or application, and to better understand hw our visitors use our sites and offered services. Cookies help us to customize website and applications according to your specific preferences and needs, to improve your browsing experience, to obtain feedbacks about visitor satisfaction (through selected partners) and to communicate with you everywhere on the web. We do not use cookies to collect personal data, like name; in any case we could connect information stored in a cookie to personal information collected from you through other ways (for example registration in websites or applications).

Which types of Cookies are used? 
Here below you find a description of the cookies used in our website.

Essential Cookies 
This type of cookies is necessary for the operation of our website. Without them the web site / application cannot operate correctly. So, we do not ask for your specific approval for this type of cookies.

Functional cookies 
These are the cookies used for the correct operation of website or application. For example, cookies that remember recently seen contents on the website, email address or password that you typed during previous sessions on website, etc. Cookies can also keep the information about articles recently insered in shopping cart of an online store. Using functional cookies, we can give you a customized content and save time without typing again information when you visit the website or enter into reserved area. 

First party Cookies
These are the cookies that have been download by a specific website or application and that can be read only by this website.

Third party Cookies 
These are the cookies downloaded by a third party, that we use for different types of services (for example statistical analisys). 

How can I change my cookies settings? 
You can change the settings related to cookies in the web browsers used by your computer or device. You can choose to be informed before accepting cookies, or you can automatically block them (even if in this case you cannot have available all the website's features). To have more information about this, you can click on “Help” button of your browser. Remember that these settings are related to the specific device and specific web browser that you are using: if you change device or browser you have to set it according to your preferences.